Websites. Networking. Social Media. Direct Mail. Chat Bots. Events. Google Ads. Blogging. Open Houses. Newsletters. Trade Shows. Speaking. Remarketing. Messaging. Cold Calling. And that’s just the beginning. Today, there’s an endless list of places to find clients, but your time and resources are limited. What’s working? What’s
Read more →The most popular ways to price your accounting services are: Hourly Pricing. Fixed Fee. Value Pricing. The definitions of these three methods vary because accounting vendors and consultants don’t always agree on what they are. The key difference among the three methods is the basis or starting
Read more →A couple of the questions that you asked about revenue-building included questions on “value.” We perceive our services one way, our clients perceive our services another way, and often there is a mismatch between the two. At the core of this issue is the concept of value.
Read more →The best time to acquire new clients is now, during tax season, when clients are most interested in their numbers. My first freebie gift to you is my “111 ‘Low-Hanging Fruit’ Ways to Work Less, Make More, and Serve Clients Better.” It’s full of tips on marketing
Read more →Accountants have finally arrived. This upcoming tax season and year-end should be the best you ever have in your career. Here’s why. I got my CPA in 1980. (Yes, I was three years old.) A few years later, in 1984, a movie came out that had a
Read more →I am super-honored to be speaking at the huge and spectacular QuickBooks Connect conference in October in San Jose, CA. And since I can’t wait, I thought I would give you a speak preview of what I am speaking about in today’s article. Why Offering Packages Can
Read more →First let’s define advisory services by what they are not. They are not compliance services. Sales tax issues, bookkeeping, payroll, and tax preparation are all compliance services. Advisory services should leave the client better off in profits, efficiency, peace of mind, or time. Tax planning, cash flow
Read more →It’s so easy to get behind when it’s busy season. Some things can wait, but these five tactical mistakes will cost you big money if you don’t address them immediately. They might sound basic, but every week I see these mistakes repeated over and over again. Here’s
Read more →What’s your top concern in your business? How does it compare to others? In today’s article, we’ll take a look at the AICPA PCPS (Private Companies Practice Section) CPA Firm Top Issues Survey. Our Advisor Accelerated course starts October 29, and the early bird deadline has
Read more →When you think about marketing, you might immediately think of prospecting for new clients. And that’s the marketing that most accountants need. But once you get clients, your marketing is not quite done. There are two more very important marketing functions to consider. When you add them,
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