Celebrating How Far You’ve Come

Think back to December 4, 2012 for just a minute.  Where were you in your business?  What were your revenues, salary, and profits at that time?  What were your clients like?  What were your biggest issues? If we don’t occasionally look back to take a snapshot at

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Are Accountants Newsworthy? You Bet!

As a marketing channel, public relations is one of my personal favorites.  It includes getting mentioned in news or trade media and publications, having an article you wrote published or reprinted, applying for and winning awards, or otherwise being in the public eye for one reason or

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The Most Dangerous Stage of Learning

Early in my career, one of my favorite things to teach was Maslow’s four stages of learning.  I still think it’s one of the most valuable and profound pieces of information I have come across in my learning. Here they are: Unconscious incompetence. Conscious incompetence. Conscious competence.

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