Congrats and 16 Ways to Rest, Relax, and Reward Yourself

relaxed young womant at home
Rest, Relaxation and Rewards

If you’re feeling a tad burned out right now from long hours during tax season, you’re likely not alone.  Here are 16 ways to reward yourself, feel great about what you’ve accomplished, and nurture and refresh your spirit:

  1. A nap

You deserve the ultimate reward.  If you are sleep-deprived, get caught up before you do anything else.  Your entire mood will lighten once you’re feeling rested and refreshed.

  1. Long lunches

Get out of the office and enjoy a long lunch or two with friend who make you laugh.

  1. Pizza party or cake

If you have staff, include them in the rewards by throwing a post-season celebration.

  1. Bubble bath or hot tub

Indulge in something that’s physically relaxing for you.

  1. Causal dress for a week

Throw out the office dress code and go causal for a week

  1. Movie or book

Treat yourself to a movie or book.

  1. Park

Spend some time outside in a park or surrounded by nature.

  1. Retail therapy

Buy yourself a present.

  1. Phone call with a loved one

Call someone you love that you don’t talk to every day and spend some time on the phone enjoying their company.

  1. Order in

Allow yourself to indulge in “room service” by calling a favorite restaurant that delivers.

  1. Exercise

Your body will feel great getting into exercising again if this has slipped in the last few weeks.

  1. Glass of wine

Enjoy a glass of wine in the evening.

  1. Guilty pleasure

Turn off your brain with a soap opera, reality show, online game, or other silly habit.  I always got a kick out of my multi-millionaire friends doing this (a lot).

  1. Housekeeper

Have a housekeeper take care of your cleaning and errands for a change.

  1. Creative outlet

Paint, draw or do something creative.  Mine is working the garden.

  1. Flowers, book, or gift

Buy yourself some flowers, a book, or a gift.


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Which one of these sixteen calls to you?  It’s actually important to give yourself rewards and rest after a stressful time.  A few of these items are even science-based to help us increase our resilience and improve health.  Choose a few and enjoy getting rejuvenated so you can face the rest of the year feeling great.