If getting new clients is a bit of a struggle for your business and you’re not reaching the revenue levels you desire due to too few clients, then the first step is to find out where the process is breaking down. There are five main places: Client
Read more →Accountants are in demand for 2014http://business.time.com/2014/01/07/job-search-these-positions-are-in-demand/ How to open closed mindshttp://www.booher.com/booherbanter/how-to-open-closed-minds/ 14 IRS Red Flagshttp://portal.kiplinger.com/slideshow/taxes/T056-S001-irs-audit-red-flags-the-dirty-dozen-slide-show/index.html?rss_source=rss How QBO certification helped grow my practicehttps://blog.accountants.intuit.com/ways-to-grow-your-business/how-quickbooks-online-certification-helped-grow-my-practice/ ACA infographic you can share with clientshttp://blog.intuit.com/employees/how-does-the-affordable-care-act-impact-your-small-business-infographic/
Read more →Most small business owners lack necessary accounting skills http://www.mainstreet.com/article/small-business/most-small-business-owners-lack-necessary-accounting-skills The accounting profession needs more female leaders http://blog.aicpa.org/2014/01/women-and-leadership-the-path-not-yet-taken.html#sthash.ftaBKrvh.H2r3pDex.dpbs
Read more →I was drawn to reading Howard Buffett’s new book because I am completely intrigued by huge social problems and figuring out ways to solve them. For Howard, who is a farmer at heart, the challenge is how to tackle world hunger. One of the stories in the
Read more →How to Explain to Clients Why Their Tax Bill Is So HIgh http://www.forbes.com/sites/anthonynitti/2013/12/30/how-to-explain-to-wealthy-clients-why-their-tax-bill-is-so-high-in-six-easy-steps/ Getting good at analytics = success http://www.wired.com/insights/2013/12/analytics-eats-world-2014/
Read more →Here’s a quick exercise: Choose any person in your work life or personal life. Now think back to the last few interactions you had with that person. Recall what was said and classify your list into two groups. What interactions, comments, and questions did you have with
Read more →Just a quick reminder that Sunday, December 15, 2013, is your last day to get the early early bird registration rate for the Third Annual Ultimate Accounting vCon July 24-25, 2014. If you’ve already registered, thank you! Our all-new 2014 content will include hot topics like helping
Read more →Ellen Calls H&R Block http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9B8zDBAYemA Tech Gadget Gift Ideas http://www.cpa2biz.com/Content/media/PRODUCER_CONTENT/Newsletters/Articles_2013 When It Pays to Be Polite http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-25347423
Read more →Here’s a question: What portion of your revenues are derived from compliance work – e.g., tax preparation and IRS representation; bookkeeping; QuickBooks setup, clean-up, and training; payroll; and audit work – versus value-added work – e.g., revenue improvement, business consulting, profit margin analysis, and workflow improvement projects?
Read more →Think back to December 4, 2012 for just a minute. Where were you in your business? What were your revenues, salary, and profits at that time? What were your clients like? What were your biggest issues? If we don’t occasionally look back to take a snapshot at
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