There are a couple dozen different marketing methods that you can use to build your practice, but they are definitely not created equally. In fact, some are so ineffective and costly, that we really try to steer people away from them. Here are five of the worst
Read more →Links I Like is a new regular feature we’ll be offering. These articles support and expand on our marketing and practice development messages to you. Enjoy! Creating a ton of buzz: “Why Accounting? Your Clients Want to Know” Great tie-in with what we’re teaching in BTB:
Read more →For some of you, summer can be a slow time in your business. If you do taxes, all the action is during busy season and in September if you have a lot of extensions. If you’re a bookkeeper, your busiest month is January. And if you do
Read more →The Accountant’$ Accelerator is pleased to announce the Incredible Implementor award. Accountant’$ Accelerator promotes implementation excellence and recognizes program participants who have demonstrated excellence in implementation, participation, and solid business results. This is your chance to have a little fun, win a cool prize, and bring out
Read more →When I look through the Accounting Today’s Top 100 Leaders list and the comments they have made about what they perceive to be the challenges in our profession, many of the answers are the same: change, talent, and relevance are a few you’ll see. And they are
Read more →How you welcome your new client can set the tone for a relationship that could last for years or in the worst of cases, just days. Start out on the right foot by looking super-organized (because that’s part of why we get hired anyway) and making it
Read more →I need your vote! I’m so excited to be nominated as a Small Business Influence; please help me by voting for me. It only takes a second! You can vote every day, and please share, tweet, and leave your comments at the bottom of the page
Read more →Your LinkedIn profile is just as important as your website these days. It’s not uncommon at all for small business owners to check out your profile before contacting you. If your profile doesn’t measure up, then you might not get the lead. Here are five ideas to
Read more →There are courses and conferences to help you build the technical skills you need to succeed in accounting. Some of my favorites include the Sleeter conference, coming up in the fall, AICPA’s TECH+ conference held in Las Vegas, and the just completed Scaling New Heights, an Intuit-centric
Read more →When accountants think about lead generation, methods like telemarketing and direct mail might instantly come to mind. (You might also have a really negative connotation of these methods, but if you do, hang with me for a minute.) It used to be that in telemarketing, if you
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